Welcome to the Greensleeves Blog

The Greensleeves blog is the number one place to keep up to date with all things lawn care. Updated throughout the month, you’ll find expert hints and tips from our local lawn care managers to the latest lawn care news from Greensleeves HQ. Our blog is also packed full of inspiration for not only making the most of your lawn but your garden and home.

How to keep a sustainable and eco-conscious garden

Gardening is a wonderful way to connect with nature, but it can also have a negative impact on the environment if not done sustainably. The good news is that it’s…

The benefits of a professional lawn care service

A well-manicured lawn can significantly enhance the aesthetic appeal of a property, increase its value and instil a sense of pride. But maintaining a lawn requires regular care and attention,…

Greensleeves Mechanical Treatments
Mechanical treatments – why are they so important for your lawn?

Mechanical treatments are an essential tool to maintain a healthy, green and attractive lawn. From aeration to scarification, these treatments can help improve the soil, remove excess thatch and promote…

Greensleeves at 25 – the story so far!

Greensleeves CEO, David Truby, has been involved with the business since its early days. Here, he looks back on a remarkable journey for our company as we celebrate our 25th…

Your lawn care checklist – make 2023 the best year yet!

New year, new lawn! Here’s how our lawn care team can make a difference as the year progresses. Make 2023 the best year for your lawn with the help of…

The 2022 World Cup – great on TV, potentially disastrous for your lawn!

We’re almost at the end of the 2022 FIFA World Cup – a festival of football that hasn’t been without its controversies but one that has captured the imagination of…

A day in the life of a Greensleeves lawn care manager

Have you ever wondered what life is like as a Greensleeves Lawn Care Manager? Whether you’re wondering if the grass could be greener if you made lawn care your livelihood,…

Five things you shouldn’t do to your lawn in bad weather!

Autumn and winter can be a difficult time for the green-fingered. Seeing our gardens and lawns succumb to the elements and the fleeting daylight hours isn’t pleasant. There’s always the…

What you need to know about… fusarium patch

We all know that autumn is the time of year when mushrooms and other fungi thrive, and this includes some varieties such as fusarium patch, that can be devastating to…

Autumn lawn care: what you need to know

After what was one of the hottest and driest summers in recent history for most regions of the UK, autumn is finally here. You might think that now is the…

Water butts for your garden

As we move towards the end of September, there is the unmistakable feel of autumn in the air – with leaves changing colours and the nights drawing in. While the…

How to get children interested in gardening

Keeping the children (or grandchildren) entertained over the summer holidays isn’t always easy. While children might relish the freedom of not being in school, towards the end of August –…