A day in the life of a Greensleeves lawn care manager

News | 18 November 2022
A day in the life of a Greensleeves lawn care manager

Have you ever wondered what life is like as a Greensleeves Lawn Care Manager? Whether you’re wondering if the grass could be greener if you made lawn care your livelihood, or you’re just intrigued by what they get up to day to day, this is the blog for you.

We took the time to sit down with Craig Boulton, owner of Greensleeves Southend and South Essex to find out how he finds the job and what makes him tick in general. So… let’s dive right in!

What time does your alarm go off in the morning – and what’s your normal morning routine on a workday?

I get up around 0630. I have a shower and a coffee (not at the same time!) and then I take our dog, Belle, for a walk across the field near my house. Once I’ve done that, it’s down to business. I start with a quick check of my emails and the route I’m taking for the day, then time to hit the road to our storage unit to collect the materials.

Tell us about your pre-work breakfast – meticulously pre-planned or grab what you can?

No breakfast for me, just a coffee.

Run us through what your calendar looks like on an average day at Greensleeves..

Autumn is one of our busiest seasons preparing the lawns for the winter months. So on average I have between 12 and 15 jobs. These usually consist of applying our specialist autumn treatment, as well as scarification and hollow tine aeration.

Tell us a bit about your current role at Greensleeves, including where you are based, who you work with on a daily basis, when you joined, other roles you have had…

My current role is Lawn Care Manager and I own and manage Greensleeves South Essex & Greensleeves Southend. We are based in Stanford Le Hope, Essex, which is in the middle of both areas, so that works out well!

From Mondays to Wednesdays my wife Louisa works with me, while on Thursdays and Fridays I’m with our daughter, Emily. She’s studying hairdressing at Southend College so she joins me on her days off.

If it’s a Saturday our other daughter, Daisy, will head out with me to provide some customer quotes — as long as it’s not raining!

I joined Greensleeves during the first lockdown in 2020. The lockdown gave me time to reflect, having worked for 25 years at a senior level within the public and private sector in housing.

What are the most rewarding aspects of your job?

Sometimes we get very sceptical customers who don’t believe that Greensleeves can transform their lawn as quickly as we say we can. There’s nothing better than going back for a second or third visit and hearing how delighted they are with their lush green lawn.

And the most challenging?

The most challenging thing for me personally is having to contend with the occasional traffic jam. I’m always eager to get to the next customer’s lawn on time.

Who are the three non-work-related people you WhatsApp the most on a workday?

The family WhatsApp group — which are normally things from TikTok! Then JC, which are always jokes, and my brother Paul.

Lunch – sandwiches or leftovers from home?

It depends where I am — if I’m in Southend it will be fresh seafood from the cockle shed in Leigh-on-Sea. If I’m in Hornchurch/ Upminster it will be a quick sandwich from the garden centre coffee shop near Rainham. Occasionally I’ll pop home for a sandwich.

How many teas or coffees do you drink on an average day? And how do you take it?

It’s hard to say because I rarely say no. Somedays it could be six or seven tea and coffees. Other days it might be two or three. If you’re offering, it’s milk and one sugar please !

If you could give one person one piece of free advice about caring for their lawn in autumn, what would that be?

Clear the leaves! Don’t let them sit on your lawn for too long – they can cause a lot of damage.

Do you prefer working in the blazing heat or the freezing cold?

I like a nice cold morning, but a nice sunny afternoon. So both!

If you had to give up all but one piece of motorised lawn care equipment and do the rest by hand, what would you keep?

My blower! Although this would mean more raking for Louisa and Emily!

What’s one thing that’ll always make you smile when working?

Definitely not the news, given what’s been going on in the world recently. I’d say just being outside after spending years at a desk.

What would be your all-time favourite meal to have for dinner after a hard day at work?

Fish, chips and mushy peas from Yorkshire, which sadly I don’t get enough of!

Off to the pub for a couple of drinks to unwind, or feet up in front of the telly?

A night in front of the telly. I tend to binge watch shows . I’ve just watched the second season of Gangs of London in just two days.

What time is lights out at the end of the day?

Look at tomorrow’s jobs, reply to emails and plan my route for tomorrow. Then it’s lights out around 10:30-11pm. 

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