Your lawn care checklist – make 2023 the best year yet!

News | 14 January 2023
Your lawn care checklist – make 2023 the best year yet!

New year, new lawn! Here’s how our lawn care team can make a difference as the year progresses. Make 2023 the best year for your lawn with the help of our experts…

With Greensleeves, your lawn care professional will visit your lawn several times a year to apply a special treatment to the grass, ensuring it’s fed with all the nutrients it needs and is on a steady path to good growth. With the visits split into spring, early summer, late summer, autumn and finally winter, we’ll look at what to expect, what to look out for and how we can help you and your lawn.

Spring – renovation, reinvigoration, rejuvenation

Following the cold dark months of winter, this is certainly the time to focus on getting your lawn set up for the rest of the year, so you can sit back, relax and enjoy your garden. Emphasis is placed on moss control during this period, as it can really develop over the winter and strip nutrients from the grass. One of our tools is a season-specific fertiliser, which is our own blend, to strengthen the lawn and prepare it for the warmer weather ahead – as well as scarifying and overseeding the lawn to remove debris and replenish any bare spots.

Early Summer – garden party, anyone?

With BBQ and garden party season in full swing, our core treatment focuses on ensuring your lawn has all the things it needs to grow lusciously thick and verdant throughout the season. With our specially-formulated lawn feed created to combat problems caused by hot weather, weed-control solutions, aeration techniques, hydration services and specialist fungicide services, this is a time to ensure lush lawn growth.

Late Summer – can you handle the heat?

The final weeks of summer are usually characterised by the blazing sun, lots of garden use and lazy days. Our service during this period is tailored towards giving your lawn all it needs to look its absolute best, even through the intense heat. Our own fertiliser, seasonal soil enrichment treatments, weeding, aerating and watering all come together to ensure you’re living your best lawn life. Careful management of the insects and fungus that are typical of this time of year is also a crucial part of what we do for our customers.

Autumn – it’s a bit chilly

An important time for lawn care as the temperature falls cooler and the nights come quicker. Here we begin moss control, continue feeding the lawn and can perform renovation if your lawn may have experienced significant wear and tear from continuous use over the summer months. Excessive thatch growth will also have to be curbed alongside other major sources of damage like insects and fungi.

Winter – icy winds and frost

Although much of the lawn stays dormant during this period, there is more life and activity going on than you might realise. Our winter treatment gives your lawn a boost, helping it brave the icy cold months. Just as with other months, it is important to keep an eye on moss growth and book a control treatment when you spot any. You need to be wary of diseases that thrive in wet conditions and ensure you eliminate the infection as soon as you spot the tell-tale signs as it may not be possible to repair damage caused by fungal infections until spring. Be sure to stay on top of mowing because your lawn is still growing at a reduced rate – but make sure you don’t mow when the soil is wet, to avoid soil compaction!

Get in touch with Greensleeves today and make 2023 the year of the lawn – click here to find your local lawn care professional

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