
Ants around lawn
How to get rid of ant hills on your lawn

Ants, while often considered a nuisance, typically cause minimal direct harm to grass. However, ant hills can disturb soil around grass roots and leave deposits on the surface, which can…

How to achieve the perfect lawn stripes
How to get perfect lawn stripes

At Greensleeves, we think the key components that make up a perfect lawn are that it’s vibrantly green, lusciously thick, and weed and moss-controlled. But we also know for many…

Unseasonal insect infestations spotted nationwide

Are you tearing your hair out at the sight of birds and wildlife tearing up your lawn? The mild, wet weather we’ve experienced so far this year has brought on…

Spring into action to help your garden spring into life!

Our top ten gardening tips to help your garden get a head start.   As the winter chill begins to wane, garden enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the arrival of spring—a season…

Green Dreams: Top Gardening Trends in the UK for 2024

With the start the new gardening season of 2024 on the horizon, the United Kingdom’s horticultural landscape is poised for an exciting transformation. From sustainable practices to innovative designs, here…

How to ensure your lawn is stunning for summer

We’re finally into the early days of summer, so now is the time to start preparing your lawn for the period when you want to enjoy it the most. The…

May is for mowing!

Changeable conditions in May can make mowing your lawn challenging, but it’s necessary to keep it healthy and in the best possible condition ahead of the summer. A combination of…

How to keep a sustainable and eco-conscious garden

Gardening is a wonderful way to connect with nature, but it can also have a negative impact on the environment if not done sustainably. The good news is that it’s…

The benefits of a professional lawn care service

A well-manicured lawn can significantly enhance the aesthetic appeal of a property, increase its value and instil a sense of pride. But maintaining a lawn requires regular care and attention,…

Greensleeves Mechanical Treatments
Mechanical treatments – why are they so important for your lawn?

Mechanical treatments are an essential tool to maintain a healthy, green and attractive lawn. From aeration to scarification, these treatments can help improve the soil, remove excess thatch and promote…

Don’t Stop the Mow

Cold weather shouldn’t be taken as an excuse to pack away the mower. Staring out at the back garden on a dark and gloomy evening, the last thing you probably…

A level lawn
How to level your lawn: a step-by-step guide

A level lawn not only looks great but also makes maintenance easier and ensures proper water drainage. If your lawn is uneven, it can be difficult to mow, maintain, and…