How to ensure your lawn is stunning for summer

Blog | 23 May 2023
How to ensure your lawn is stunning for summer

We’re finally into the early days of summer, so now is the time to start preparing your lawn for the period when you want to enjoy it the most. The warm weather allows you  to spend more time outside with friends and family, and a well-maintained lawn not only looks great but also provides a comfortable space for outdoor activities and relaxation. In this blog, you’ll find plenty of tips and advice to help get your lawn ready for summer.

Remove debris: the first step to getting your lawn ready is to remove any debris that has accumulated. This includes fallen leaves, branches and clippings from any pruning you may have done. Rake the lawn to remove it and dispose of it responsibly.

Aeration: to maximise the health of your lawn, and help it develop that ‘wow factor’ for when you want to show it off in the summer, the soil needs air, water and nutrients to penetrate deep into the roots. Greensleeves offer two different aeration treatments, which puncture the soil to open it up for better absorption of the elements that are vital for your lawn. It’s particularly useful in summer, during periods of prolonged hot weather when moisture from rainfall or watering can evaporate before reaching the roots.

Mow, mow, mow: regular mowing is essential for keeping your lawn looking neat and tidy. Set your lawn mower blades to a height of 10-25mm and mow your lawn once a week. Be sure to sharpen your mower blades regularly to prevent damage to the grass.

Hydrate: during the summer, your lawn will need to be watered regularly to keep it healthy and green. Water your lawn frequently, preferably in the early morning or late afternoon when the temperatures are cooler – the hotter the temperature, the faster the moisture will evaporate. Greensleeves offer hydration treatments, which will bolster your own watering regime and ensure maximum hydration for your lawn. The treatment is particularly effective following aeration.

Don’t forget your paths and patios: weeds need to be controlled on your lawn, but you shouldn’t neglect your paths and patios, which are a breeding ground for hardy weeds that grow in nooks and crannies. If your lawn is looking great in the summer, you don’t want the hard surfaces to look untidy. Greensleeves’ hard surface weed control treatment will eliminate existing weeds and help prevent fresh ones growing – and it’s 100% child and pet friendly.

Overseed and feed: your lawn will be used more in the summer than at any other time of the year. Wear and tear combined with hot temperatures will put your lawn under stress. It’s essential to keep on top of any bare patches and to provide it with as many nutrients as possible. For more information on lawn feed and overseeding, click here.

Enjoy yourself: finally, don’t forget to enjoy yourself! After all the hard work you’ve put into getting your garden ready for a social summer, it’s time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the company of your friends and family.

To find your local Greensleeves lawn care manager – who can help make your lawn stunning for summer – click here

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