At Greensleeves we are your local lawn care experts, devoted to keeping lawns everywhere beautiful and healthy.

This is why we’ve built this FAQ’s page, to answer the questions that we often get asked and give you some useful bits of advice. Lawn care can be complicated, but we are here to help you on your journey to achieving your perfect lawn.

If you don’t find the answer to your questions below, then please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team – we will be more than happy to assist you in any way we can.

When you look at your lawn do you see unsightly bare patches? Or perhaps your lawn looks frustratingly uneven in terms of overall grass coverage? These are signs that your lawn is due for overseeding.

Even if your lawn looks good on the surface, overseeding is still an excellent treatment to give it an extra boost, making your grass more thick and luscious so you can out-do your neighbours.

Overseeding your lawn should be an annual practice to make sure your grass looks fantastic for years to come. That’s why we can conveniently include overseeding in your monthly ongoing lawn care, to ensure your lawn is overseeded at the perfect time and in the perfect conditions.

Overseeding will dramatically improve the appearance of your lawn by getting rid of any bare or thin patches of grass. It will give your lawn an even coverage of thick grass, which not only makes it look beautiful but also makes it more resistant to weeds and disease.

If you want your lawn to be thick, healthy and green, then an overseeding treatment will give it the head-start it needs.

Following a thorough inspection of your lawn, we will determine the best high quality grass seed for your needs. Our experts will use our professional-grade equipment to evenly distribute the grass seeds across your entire lawn, ensuring a full and even coverage.

Got any questions that haven’t been answered?

You can contact us via the form on our contact page or by giving us a call. We are here to help your lawn reach its healthiest, happiest state.

You can also find out more about common lawn problems on our lawn surgery page.

Want some free advice for your lawn?

Enter your details here and we’ll send you our free guide on ‘Where to start with lawn care’

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Expert hints and tips

Lawn care news from Greensleeves HQ, packed full of inspiration for not only making the most of your lawn but your garden and home.

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