At Greensleeves we are your local lawn care experts, devoted to keeping lawns everywhere beautiful and healthy.

This is why we’ve built this FAQ’s page, to answer the questions that we often get asked and give you some useful bits of advice. Lawn care can be complicated, but we are here to help you on your journey to achieving your perfect lawn.

If you don’t find the answer to your questions below, then please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team – we will be more than happy to assist you in any way we can.

Dry patches or an overall dry looking lawn are tell-tale signs that your lawn desperately needs some hydration. Our experts can recommend when your lawn looks to be in need of an aqua boost, or we can simply take care of it for you as part of your ongoing lawn care plan.

To really get the most out of your aqua boost treatment, we recommend having it done straight after a lawn aeration treatment. This means you would typically have an aqua boost annually, alongside your seasonal treatments and ongoing care.

With monthly lawn care from our experts, you can leave it to us to make sure your lawn is hydrated at exactly the right time, and in the right conditions.

Yes! Our aqua boost treatment is completely safe for children and pets, so your family can make the most of enjoying your lawn as soon as the treatment is completed. For any safety considerations or aftercare advice, our experts can tell you everything you need to know during your appointment.

Our aqua boost treatment goes beyond simply watering your grass. Our special wetting agent will deliver remarkable benefits to your lawn by making the most of how your lawn takes in water. This includes helping your soil to absorb more water, making sure your grass is evenly hydrated right down to the roots, and reviving your lawn for the long-term.

Got any questions that haven’t been answered?

You can contact us via the form on our contact page or by giving us a call. We are here to help your lawn reach its healthiest, happiest state.

You can also find out more about common lawn problems on our lawn surgery page.

Want some free advice for your lawn?

Enter your details here and we’ll send you our free guide on ‘Where to start with lawn care’

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Expert hints and tips

Lawn care news from Greensleeves HQ, packed full of inspiration for not only making the most of your lawn but your garden and home.

Ants around lawn
How to get rid of ant hills on your lawn

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How to get perfect lawn stripes

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